Sunday, July 19, 2009

Maya --The first Mesoamerican civilization

It is proved that earth goes into different stages once in every 25,000 years. Around 26,000 years ago from today,earth was very different from what we see today. Most of the earth's surface was covered by Ice. Hence the age was called Ice Age.
Volcanic eruption and climatic changes made the ice melt. Due to this ice melting, earth lost many species.
Finally, when climate on
earth stopped drastic changes, humans came up.
The civilization on earth started in 4 major parts of earth.

  • China--Xia Dynasty along the Huang He valley--Chinese Civilization
  • India--Indus valley civilization along the Indus River --Indian Vedic civilization
  • Egypt-- Achaemenid dynasty along the Nile River--Pyramid civilization
  • South America--Maya, Aztec communities in the lush green jungles.---Mesoamerica civilization
I am interested in Maya civilization which was born and thrived in South America.
The area of Belize, Brazil, Guatemala, and Sothern Mexico formed the regions where Maya civilization was spread over.
Maya existed between roughly 2500BC to around 800AD. A total of 3500 years of civilization.
It was believed that a group of humans escaped the brutal climate change from Ice age, escaped into the Jungles of Belize and later formed a community called Maya.

Mayans are considered to be unequalled in Astronomy. To support this point, the Mayan calendar did not have a concept of leap year (usually used as a correction factor in calendar system).Mayans were well developed in architecture and construction. Also, they understood the concept of diet and nutrition. Mayans had their own gods and deities. But the way the gods were worshiped was not only inhuman but also barbaric.

Such great civilization vanished all of a sudden between 750 AD and 800AD. Floods, famine, over population and brutal wars are considered to be the reason for the extinction.

Mayan Food and Agriculture:

As described earlier, Mayans were good dieticians. Also, Mayans had great passion for food.
Corn, squash, beans formed the staple of food for Mayans. Having said that Mayans were not vegetarians. Mayans loved cuisines made of Turkey, Chicken and Pigs.
Mayans exposed the corn kernels in lime water. Ground the kernels and made pancakes out of them flour. This was called Tortillas.

Tortillas are similar to the "Roti" of Indus valley civilization. Mayans stuffed Tortillas with meat (roasted) and squash. I can now relate how the first Burrito was formed. Mayans loved meat from Turkey (which was found in abundance), and hence had occasion on which this was eaten.

Mayans had an efficient food distribution system. Mayans had huge market places in each city and suburb twice in a week. In such market places, fresh vegetables, fruits and meat were sold. Most Mayans did not have currency, like the Vedic civilization. Mayans traded on a barter system. In few cities of Mayans like Tikal, cocoa seeds were considered currency.
Mayans had specialized teams specially trained for hunting for animals for food. Hence hunting was a prime occupation.
They had a unique way of agriculture. Mayans grew a particular crop for a cycle of 5 years. After the fifth year, the crop would be changed. This is a mix of traditional and mixed agriculture. This meant that the crop would yield the best harvest the first 2 years, after which the soil would lose the nutrition. Thus the last 3 years would yield a low returns. Again after the crop change the cycle would continue.
The agricultural produce was preserved very well by Mayans. They used a system of underground storage systems. Every house had a small pit in its backyard or the front. This small pit would lead to the underground cave, which was usually wide enough to be called a room. Upper class Mayans stored water along with the food in such storage caves; however the rest of the Mayans stored only food. These storage rooms were cleaned on a periodic basis and were covered with lime stone for pest control.
Storage rooms also provided a place for religious practices and sacrifices.

Mayan Gods and sacrifice:

Mayans were strong believers in Gods and religion. There was no religion known to be associated with Mayan community, probably as they were isolated from the rest of the world. However at the early 800 AD, it was documented that Mayans were being forcefully converted to Christianity by Spanish warriors.
Mayans believe in the concept of the 12 crystal skulls of power very well picturised in the movie, Indiana Jones and kingdom crystal skulls.

Crystal skulls
Few Mayan communities believed that there exist 12 skulls. Each is a skull of one of the sons of the God- the most powerful. When the twelve skulls unite, all the energy of the world gets concentrated at that union. It is further believed that this union forms the skull of the God- the most powerful.
This is still believed in a few regions of Brazil.

Mayans believed in the existence of Gods. Mayans believed that Gods were the first generation of human life that existed on the earth. Also, believed that they were immortal. Another belief probably the most strongest one is that the Gods existed in outer space. And they visited earth in the form of Sun, Moon. Rains were considered to be a blessing from the Gods of the outer space.

Kukulcan and Quetzalcoatl:
One of the powerful gods was called Kukulcan. Kukulcan was a winged God who was a serpent. Aztecs referred to this God as "Quetzalcoatl".
Quetzalcoatl or Kukulcan was usually pleased by Mayans by offering human sacrifices. Although it was also believed that Kukulcan was against human sacrifice.
A few rulers of Mayan world were also considered to be close to the Gods. The ruler who was considered to be most closet to Kukulcan was "Topiltzin Ce Acatl Quetzalcoatl". It was also believed that Kukulcan was seduced by "Tezcatlipoca" . Hence Kukulcan burnt himself to become a morning star.
This gave birth to the concept of burning to impress the Gods.

This was usually a human character. In some Mayan communities, a person (usually a Man) was made "Tezcatlipoca". Tezcatlipoca had the choice of having 6 of the most beautiful women of the region as his escort. Also he was supposed to stay in Temple. Tezcatlipoca was worshiped daily by the Mayans.
It was also expected that Tezcatlipoca worship the Gods daily. The kings also considred Tezcatlipoca as a God.
This was followed for 6 months. At the end of 6 months, Tezcatlipoca will be offered to Gods in a special occasion.

Tezcatlipoca was ripped off his nails from his digits of hands and feet. The blood flowing from his body, due to this was smeared over a paper. This paper was burnt making a high rising flame and smoke. This smoke had to reach high in the sky so that the Gods of the outer space know about the sacrifice. After ripping the nails apart, the genitals of the Tezcatlipoca were pierced by Mayan knife made of sharpened stone. However it was ensured that the genitals were not cut open. Thus making the Tezcatlipoca to bleed from genitals but still keeping him alive. This offering was to please the Gods to bless the city with children and drive for sex.
Later, a rope pierced with dry thorns from the Jungle was introduced in to the mouth of Tezcatlipoca. This will create internal bleeding of the digestive tract. The rope was then pulled back creating a complete internal bleeding. It was ensured that the Tezcatlipoca is still alive after this.
The rope is burnt to raise the smoke seeking fertile lands for crops. All this was done in a span of 20-30 mins. The Tezcatlipoca was allowed to drain most of the blood from his body on the papers, which were then burnt seeking rain.
Just before the complete drain of the blood, the hearth of Tezcatlipoca is cut open from the living body and raised high in air towards the sun as an ultimate offering. Later the hands and legs of the Tezcatlipoca are cut by a sharp weapon. Parellely the bead is also chopped from the body.
The head is thrown down from the top of the temple symbolsying the completion of the sacrifice. The Mayans believed that one who gets a hold of the skull thrown so first is the blessed one. The remains of the body are usually burnt for high smoke.

The six wives of the Tezcatlipoca were also burnt alive in this fire.

The other famous god of Aryans was Chac. This god was known for timely rain and sun. Chac is known by different names in different regions and cities of Mayan world.

Yumil Kaxob--Known as lord of corn, the staple food of Mayans.
Ixtab--Lord of suicide. Mayans believe that suicide will lead to haven. Hence suicide was common when in hard times.
Yum Cimil--God of death. Usually decorated by bones and dark spots on the body.
Ix Chel--Goddess of love at times and also known as pregnant women.

Maya temples and underworld:
Mayans are known for their skills in construction. The temples of Mayan world also served as tombs of the great kings.
The temples were built as pyramids. Each floor of the temple usually was considered as a tomb of one generation of the king.
Every floor had a hollow pillar running straight from the top of the temple to the bottom of the pyramid. This was believed to be an air tunnel for the people to talk to kings after kings die and are mummied. These hollow pillars also served as a medium of transporting construction material during the pyramid construction.
Apart from the hollow cavity Mayans used strong ropes for moving the materials. Two holes were drilled next to each other, for transporting materials.
Mayans used Limestone, which was available in abundance as a construction material. The buildings were painted either in red or black. Red and black composed most of the Mayan paintings.
The construction was carried out in a decremental pattern. The base floor would be the biggest and the oldest floor. Every generation would keep adding to the pyramid. Thus pyramid would grow out to become a tall pyramid. The taller the pyramid the closer to the Gods.

The greatest king who in architecture was Packal. Packal lived from 610 AD to 670 AD. He was the first king in Mayan world who was adopted by his parents. He went up to build the Sun temple. His son was more ambitious and built a temple taller than the one built by his father.
Every pyramid temple of Mayans had an underworld without fail. The underworlds were used to sacrifice to Gods. The roads leading to sacrifice place were painted with horrific paintings. These paintings depicted the various brutalities with which the sacrifices were conducted in the past in that temple.
Finding people for sacrifice seemed very difficult. Hence there were special teams set up by the rulers to get the captives.
The prisoners of the war were the usual captives used for sacrifice.
After the wars the defeated king was sacrificed with utmost brutality sending signals to the enemy not to mess with the strong king. The whole body would be sacrificed, keeping a hand as a trophy of victory.

Mayan Extinction and 2012:
Mayans thrived till the late 700 AD. Beyond 700 AD, the region got over populated. This led to wars between the kingdoms. Since the supply of the food and water was getting less. People started offering more sacrifices to the Gods to impress them. However the sacrifices did not help.
People started losing faith in the Gods.
Few even started moving away from the region. Mayans captured such people and sacrificed them to Gods. Also said id a great famine and disease.
Also there are evidences of a fierce battle between 2 kings which killed more than half of the city.

Although the exact reason and the story of the decline of Maya is not known. Archeologists attribute the above reasons for the same.

Mayans were amazing in the field of astronomy. Mayan calendar is considered to be the most accurate in the world. Mayans had a calendar charted based on the sun. Mayans had already discovered "Zero" that gave Mayans an edge over the European and other civilizations.
According to Mayan calendar Dec 21st of 2012, will the day of decline of Earth. Mayans predict the begin of Ice Age from Dec 21st 2012.
They prove it scientifically that the sun and the center of Milky way Galaxy get aligned in the same line. This causes major climatic changes on Earth. Hence creating another Ice Age. The whole world is watching this.